Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pope indicted of ignoring pleas to stop clergyman who molested 200 deaf boys (includes video)

Richard Owen, Rome & ,}

Pope Benedict XVI was drawn deeper yesterday in to the ecclesiastic sex abuse scandal that has started to intimidate the Roman Catholic Church, when he was accused of privately unwell to take movement opposite a sequence paedophile.

The Pope was blamed without delay for ignoring steady pleas by comparison American churchmen to take movement opposite a clergyman who had molested up to 200 deaf boys.

Father Lawrence C. Murphy, who worked at the St Johns School for the Deaf in St Francis, Wisconsin, from 1950 to 1974, starting as a clergyman and rising to director, allegedly molested scores of pupils, preying on his victims in their dormitories and on category trips.

But instead of being defrocked and the military called in, it is purported that Father Murphy avoided probity and remained a part of the Church after a key involvement by the Pope afterwards well known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Murphy was sensitively changed to the Diocese of Superior in northern Wisconsin in 1974 and outlayed his last twenty-four years operative openly with young kids in parishes and schools. He died in 1998 at the age of 72, still a priest.

Related LinksHoly Father, I can stay no longer in this Church of DisgustPlight of the PapacyEx-pupils discuss it Italy TV of abuse by priestsMultimediaBLOG: the Pope"s "cover-up" letter

In 1996 Monsignor Rembert Weakland, afterwards the Archbishop of Milwaukee, twice wrote about Father Murphy to the stream Pope who was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at that time, a on all sides he hold between 1982 and 2005 requesting that Father Murphy be defrocked after admitting to the abuse. Documents performed by The New York Times show that Archbishop Weakland told Cardinal Ratzinger that he was referring the box to him as head of doctrine, not slightest since the clergyman was purported to have used his purpose during admission to appeal victims.

Archbishop Weakland pronounced his target was to defuse annoy in between the abused and to restore their certitude in the Church. Cardinal Ratzinger did not reply.

Nonetheless, eight months after Father Murphy was theme of a tip canonical hearing one utilizing inner Church law systematic by Cardinal Ratzingers emissary at Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Cardinal Bertone is right away the Popes right-hand man as Secretary of State, or the Vatican budding minister.

The hearing was halted after Father Murphy wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger protesting that he had already repented and was in bad health, adding that the box had run out of time underneath the Churchs own government of stipulations because it associated to allegations done some-more than dual decades previously. I simply wish to live out the time that I have left in the grace of my priesthood, Father Murphy told Cardinal Ratzinger, adding: I ask for your kind benefit in this matter. Cardinal Bertone agreed, observant that the priest should instead repent, commence a devout shelter and be restricted from celebrating Mass outward his diocese.

This Dicastery [Vatican executive department] has each goal that the priest in subject will denote a eagerness to co-operate in the solution to this unpleasant box that will foster the great of souls and equivocate scandal, wrote Monsignor Bertone.

The papers on the Murphy box were done open by lawyers representing five men who have brought lawsuits opposite the archdiocese of Milwaukee. They include letters in between bishops and the Vatican, victims affidavits, handwritten records by a passionate disorders consultant who interviewed Father Murphy and mins of a last assembly on the box at the Vatican.

A minute from Monsignor Bertone after in 1998, after Father Murphy had died, said: This Dicastery commends Fr Murphy to the forgiveness of God and shares with you the goal that the Church will be spared any unjustified broadside from this matter.

Victims of Father Murphys abuse pronounced yesterday that the Pope should be hold responsible. Arthur Budzinksi, 61, said: The Pope knew about this. He should be hold accountable. I hold somebody should be punished.

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